COVID-19 HPC Consortium affiliate member Atrio is teaming up with its partners to offer free high performance GPU and CPU computing resources and free support to access and use these computing resources most effectively.

Our hope is that by providing computational resources and easy ways to access them, together with containerized toolsets specific for COVID-19 researchers, we will help improve time-to-discovery of drugs and treatments against this horrible virus. More specifically, we would like to offer our help and expertise to the COVID-19 community on how to accelerate protein structural analysis and pathogen behavior simulations by providing faster processing times of the output from CryoEM devices.

Besides bio molecular applications, other research aspects of COVID-19 that can be addressed with our resources include Big Data/AI applications for analyzing case reports, demographics, trial results etc. and also genome processing.

We are offering for free:

Access to high-end DGX2 (64 V100 GPUs) systems with flash storage and IB, with relevant security & privacy certifications
An additional 150-200 high end GPUs that can be made available for anonymized or synthetic data, as well as hundreds of high end CPU and GPU systems
Powered by Atrio: Access to container and cluster management platforms and portals, together with support to provide easy access and efficient use of these computational resources.
If you would like to request access to the Atrio COVID-19 Open Access Resource Program, please complete the contact form below:

Contact Form

If already containerized which types of container are you using:*

Is your application:*

Does your computation or data require specific security certifications?*

Roughly what size are your data files:*


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